SQL Server Performance Tuning and Optimization 

The approach for such projects is based on deep technical analysis of system state, review of many SQL key indicators and analysis of behavior that will reveal the reason for erroneous behavior. Results will show dependencies between Hardware Limitation-System configuration-SQL Server and Database Configuration-Application. This extensive analysis will reveal if SQL Server suffer from limitation coming from underlying layer of hardware and OS, and if also poorly written application queries are blocking resources and causing application degradation.

SQL Server Upgradeability Assessments

This project assesses organization ability to upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality on your new version of SQL Server. Assessment will detect migration blockers and if there are any unsupported features in targeted versions. Final document will provide guidance how to solve these blockers and will recommends performance and reliability improvements for your target environment.

SQL Code Reviews

DB access code review is thorough assessment of how your data is accessed from either perspective of transactions and their optimization or security access, based on organization focus. It will review the design of queries, their execution and at project conclusion will provide recommendations for improvements or replacement with better technology approach from performance perspective or avoiding security breach if vulnerability to SQL injection attacks are detected.